Breathing isn’t as easy as you may think

Casey Connelly
5 min readAug 12, 2024

The average person takes about 20,000 breaths a day, but most people are doing it wrong.

Yes, she is breathing wrong!

You may think that breathing is one of those things that you don’t need to think about. Like the way our hearts pump blood or the way we scratch an itch automatically, breathing is something that we often take for granted because it happens naturally. But, breathing correctly is much different than just breathing.

Let’s look at why we need to train ourselves to breathe properly and how to use breathing to thrive.

How and Why Most People Breathe Incorrectly

Even though breathing may seem automated, unlike the beating of our heart, we can control it. And therefore, this means that we can do it wrong.

There are several ways that we breathe incorrectly, including:

  1. Breathing through our mouths
  2. Taking short breaths
  3. Taking shallow breaths
  4. Pushing our stomachs in during an inhale
  5. Holding our breath

These habits inhibit our ability to supply the body with enough oxygen to perform well. For instance, our brains use 20% of the oxygen we breathe, so if we don’t get a sufficient amount, then our cognition can suffer.



Casey Connelly

I love questioning the world we live in through experience. Nothing exists unless you have experienced it. My writing is personal and filled with discovery.