A Kundalini Awakening: The Fast Track to Karma Cleansing
The fastest way isn’t always the safest or most efficient way; this is the Kundalini conundrum. On a microcosm level, Kundalini yoga for beginners is a slow progressive practice throughout one’s current life cycle; on the macrocosm scale, it is a light-speeds way of advancing your soul through the larger cycle of reincarnation by resolving all your past and current karma. But, to take things slow, while your ultimate goal is to move fast, can be a challenge.
What is Kundalini?
The unused divine feminine energy (shakti) that when released leads to true enlightenment and emancipation is Kundalini. Represented as a serpent, coiled and in a state of rest at the base of your spine, it waits for the right time to ascend through your 7 chakras up to your third eye and exploding to your crown. It can be a very powerful force as it reveals the true nature of the divine and oneness with all. A kundalini yoga routine can initiate the process by which the serpent moves throughout your body and unwinds itself.
What does Kundalini feel like?
There consist stages of spiritual awakening, all of which happen organically and seem to occur whether you plan it or not. You become energized to create change in your life; to become more than what you see with…